New Prague Senior High School
221 12th ST. N.E. New Prague MN 56071
Advanced Metal Working Supply List
Algebra II and Above Supply List
AP Art Supply List
Athletic Performance Supply List
Basic Home Maintenance Supply List
Biology Supply List
Ceramics: Hand Building Supply List
Ceramics: Wheel Throwing Supply List
Chemistry in the Community Supply List
Chemistry Supply List
Creative Foods Supply List
Design Foundations Supply List
Drawing & Painting I Supply List
Drawing & Painting II Supply List
Drawing Foundations Supply List
Electronics Supply List
Fitness For Life Supply List
Foods I Supply List
Foods II Supply List
Geometry Supply List
German Supply List
Graphic Design Supply List
High School General Supply List
Intermediate Algebra Supply List
Intro to Chemistry Supply List
Intro to Physics Supply List
Language Arts Classes Supply List
Lifeguard Training & Aquatics Supply List
Lifetime Sports Supply List
Outdoor Activities Supply List
Photography II: Digital Supply List
Photography I: Film Supply List
Sheet Metal Design Supply List
Spanish Supply List
Stress Management Supply List
Team Activities Supply List
Wellness Supply List
Housing & Interior Design Supply List
Teen Issues Supply List
Advanced Ceramics Supply List
Advanced Woodworking Supply list
Fashion & Sewing Supply List
Independent Living Supply List
Intermediate Woodworking Supply List
Outdoor Furniture Design Supply List
Welding Supply List
Woodworking Production & Design Supply List