Sneakers/Gym Shoes/Tennis Shoes (Toddler, Child, Teen), to wear on P.E. days
Package(s) of Baby Wipes, for after gym
Box(es) of #2 Pencils
Eraser(s), Pink, large
Fiskars Scissors, (child size)
Glue Bottle
Box(es) of Chalk
Dry Erase Markers
Box(es) of Ziploc® brand Storage Bags, Gallon Size
Ruler 12" Standard/Metric
Package(s) of Antibacterial Wipes , or gel - (Not baby wipes)
Hand Soap
Box(es) of Band-Aids, assorted sizes
Flash Drive, "USB Jump Drive for computer lab"
Package(s) of Loose Leaf/Filler Paper, Wide Ruled, 3 hole
Package(s) of Graph Paper
Dry Erase Board- 8x11
Package(s) of Index Cards, 3" x 5", 500 ct
Package(s) of Printer/Copier Paper - Colored, ream
Package(s) of Construction Paper, Multi Colored/Variety
T-Shirt (Toddler, Child, Teen), for P.E
Change of Clothes (Toddler, Child, Teen), for emergencies
Colored Pencils, Box(es)
Pens, Blue or Black
Sharpie® Permanent Markers
Scotch Tape
Glue Sticks
Dry Erase Board- 8x11
Box(es) of Ziploc® brand Storage Bags, Quart Size
Pocket Folders
Library Card, to keep at home
Package(s) of Rubber Bands
Box(es) of Kleenex® Brand Facial Tissues, "Large"
Paper Towels - Roll(s)
5-Subject Notebook, or 5 spiral notebooks
Package(s) of Graph Paper, journal
Headphones , (3.5 stereo plug) - your choice of brand
Mini Stapler with Staples, 2 boxes of refill
Tennis Balls, (for chairs)
Bag, 13 gallon Garbage
Package(s) of Printer/Copier Paper - White, 8.5in x 11in, Ream/500 Sheets
Tri-fold Display Board, cardboard presentation
TeacherLists is made possible by the generous support of many of the most trusted brands in back-to-school. Schools and teachers may have been incentivized to add brand sponsored products to their list.