Bible - English Standard (ESV)
Mead® Five Star® Spiral Notebook College Ruled, or other brand
Mead® Five Star® Pocket Folders, Assorted Colors, 2-pocket, (includes 1 for ART)
1.5" 3-Ring Binder, (or 2 inch)
5 Tab Page Dividers, with pockets, for binder
Package(s) of Index Cards, 3" x 5", Ruled
Ruler 12" Standard/Metric
School Supply Box / Pencil Box (Plastic), (Large pencil box to fit following ten items)
Paper Mate® Pens, Red, or other brand for correcting, (in pencil box)
Erasers, large, (in pencil box)
Box(es) of #2 Yellow/Wood Pencils Sharpened with Erasers, Ticonderoga, (may be mechanical), (in pencil box)
Colored Pencils, Box(es), (in pencil box)
Crayola® Washable Markers, Box(es), (wide, or thin), (in pencil box)
Scissors, pair, (in pencil box)
Elmer's Glue Stick, (in pencil box)
Sharpie Permanent Markers, black - not ultrafine tip, (in pencil box)
Highlighters, (in pencil box)
Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, Canister(s)
EXPO Dry Erase Markers, 4 pack of Expo, (for personal use)
Planner, assignment, (5 x 7 daily format)
Box(es) of Kleenex® Brand Facial Tissues
TeacherLists is made possible by the generous support of many of the most trusted brands in back-to-school. Schools and teachers may have been incentivized to add brand sponsored products to their list.