SCHOOL SUPPLY DROP OFF - August 19 & 20 - 10am-2pm ~ FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL - Wednesday, August 21
Crayola Crayons, 24 Count, (NOT washable)
Box(es) of #2 Pencils, Sharpened , 1 package
Erasable Pens, Black, ball point
Pens, Red, ball point
Pocket Folders, Plastic
Spiral Notebooks Wide Ruled - Assorted Colors
Erasers, large
Elmer's Glue Bottle, All- purpose
Elmer's Glue Stick, Large (22g /.77 oz)
Markers, Washable, Thick/Broad Tip, 8 count
Book Bag
School Supply Box / Pencil Box (Plastic), cigar size box
Book Covers - X Large/Jumbo, Book Socks -extra large
Book Covers - Large, Book Sock(s)
Zipper Pencil Pouch, soft
Assignment Book
Clear Plastic Shoe Box, ART
Scissors, ART
Elmer's Glue Bottle, ART
Elmer's Glue Stick, Large (22g /.77 oz), ART
Tacky Glue, ART - bottle
Erasers, ART - large
Watercolor Paints with Brush, ART - basic color
Colored Pencils - Box(es), ART
Paint Shirt, ART - please label with name
Crayola Crayons, 24 Count, ART
Canister(s) of Disinfecting Wipes
Box(es) of Facial Tissues
TeacherLists is made possible by the generous support of many of the most trusted brands in back-to-school. Schools and teachers may have been incentivized to add brand sponsored products to their list.