Dry Erase Markers
Colored Pencils, Box(es)
Package(s) of Page Protectors, Math clear
Composition Notebook, Magnet School Additional Composition Book
Box(es) of #2 Pencils
Highlighters, (any color)
Scotch Tape
Pencil Bag/Pouch, (Pencil Pouch), or Ziplock bag for supplies
Package(s) of Loose Leaf/Filler Paper, Wide Ruled, (loose leaf notebook paper)
Composition Notebook Wide Ruled , (for ELA)
Composition Notebook Wide Ruled , (for Social Studies)
Composition Notebook Wide Ruled , (for Math)
Pocket Folders, any color, (ELA), (Two Pocket)
Pocket Folders, any color, (Science), (Two Pocket)
Pocket Folders, any color, (Math), (Two Pocket)
Pocket Folders, Plastic, (Social Studies), (Two Pocket)
Spiral Notebook Wide Ruled, (Science)
Pencil Sharpener, Hand Held
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