Nathan Twining Elementary & Middle School, 1422 Louisiana Street Grand Forks AFB ND, 58204

Early Childhood Special Education

Updated: 06/11/2024 - School Year: 2024-2025 - Grade(s): PreK - All
Updated: 06/11/2024 - School Year: 2024-2025
Grade(s): PreK - All

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Please send the appropriate diapers or pull ups and wipes if your child is not potty trained yet. We will send a note when any supplies are running low. *Snacks will be determined by classroom. Please reach out to your child’s teacher

  • Crayola® Washable Markers, 10 Count

  • Crayola® Watercolor Paints, with Brush

  • Elmer's® Glue Stick, Small (6g /.21 oz), Purple

  • Highlighters ,Yellow

  • Box(es) of Facial Tissues

  • EXPO® Dry Erase Markers, Low Odor, Thick/Chisel Tip, Assorted Colors, 4 Pack

  • EXPO® Dry Erase Markers, Low Odor, Thin/Fine Tip, 4 Pack

  • Box(es) of Reclosable Storage Bags, Quart Size

  • Box(es) of Reclosable Storage Bags, Gallon Size

  • Backpack, (larger one, please) to be carried to and from school daily. Please label the backpack with your child’s name.

  • Change of Clothes, A change of clothing, including underwear and socks in case of accidents. These will be sent home at the end of the year. Please label the clothing with your child’s name.

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