Crayola® Washable Markers, 8 Count
Pocket Folders, Plastic, Red
Pocket Folders, Plastic, Green
Pocket Folders, Plastic, Blue
Pocket Folders, Plastic, Yellow
Crayons, 24 Count
Glue Sticks
School Supply Box / Pencil Box (Plastic), school supply box
Package of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers
Spiral Notebook Wide Ruled
Box(es) of Kleenex® Brand Facial Tissues
#2 Yellow/Wood Pencils Sharpened with Erasers, 24 Pack
Elmer's® Glue Bottle, 4 oz
Dry Erase Markers, Packages
1" 3-Ring Binder
Gym Shoes/Tennis Shoes/Sneakers, Gym Shoes- (needed on gym days)
Change of Clothes, Extra set of clothes
Roll(s) of Toilet Paper, Toileting supplies as needed
TeacherLists is made possible by the generous support of many of the most trusted brands in back-to-school. Schools and teachers may have been incentivized to add brand sponsored products to their list.