Markers, Washable, Thin/Fine Tip, Box(es)
Eraser(s), Paper Mate® Pink Pearl
Glue Stick, Large (22g)
Package(s) of Post-it® Notes
Pocket Folders, Plastic, 5 different colors
Zipper Pencil Pouch
Colored Pencils, 24 Count
#2 Yellow/Wood Pencils Sharpened with Erasers, 12 Pack
Fiskars Scissors 7" Student
Expandable Folder, 7 Sections/Pockets
Ruler 12" Standard/Metric
Dry Erase Markers, Low Odor, Thick/Chisel Tip, Black
Box(es) of Reclosable Storage Bags, Quart Size
Box(es) of Facial Tissues
Box(es) of Reclosable Storage Bags, Gallon Size
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