Updated: 06/10/2024 - School Year: 2024-2025 - Grade(s): 1st Grade - All 1st Grade Teachers
Composition Notebook Wide Ruled, Bound, Black
Crayola® Crayons, 24 Count
#2 Yellow/Wood Pencils Sharpened with Erasers, 24 Pack
EXPO® Dry Eraser Markers, Black, 2 Pack
4-8 Count
Elmer's® Glue Stick
Box(es) of Facial Tissues
Paper Towels - Roll(s)
Clorox Disinfecting Wipes (bleach free), Canister(s)
Eraser(s), Pink
Hand Sanitizer, Bottle(s)
Box(es) of Ziploc® brand Storage Bags, Gallon Size
Box(es) of Ziploc® brand Storage Bags, Quart Size