

Fourth Grade Supply List

Updated: 07/31/2024 | School Year: 2024-2025 | Grade(s): 4th Grade | All Fourth Grade Teachers
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Please make sure that all supplies below are labeled with the student’s name and ready for the 1st day of school. Please note that later in the year, information will be sent regarding Soprano recorders used as part of the music curriculum.
  • 1

    Book Bag - No Wheels

  • 2

    Box(es) of #2 Pencils, Sharpened

    12 count packs

  • 1

    Crayons, 24 Count


  • 3


  • 1


    personal use, no Bluetooth

  • 1


    (labeled Art)

  • 1

    Pocket Folders, Blue

    For Reading, (labeled Reading)

  • 1

    Spiral Notebook Wide Ruled, Blue

    For Reading, (labeled Reading)

  • 1

    Pocket Folders, Green

    For Content, (labeled Content)

  • 1

    Spiral Notebook Wide Ruled, Green

    For Content, (labeled Content)

  • 1

    Pocket Folders, Yellow

    For Math, (labeled Math)

  • 1

    Spiral Notebook Wide Ruled, Yellow

    For Math, (labeled Math)

  • 1

    Pocket Folders, Red

    For Writing, (labeled Writing)

  • 1

    Spiral Notebook Wide Ruled, Red

    For Writing, (labeled Writing)

  • 1

    Box(es) of #2 Pencils

    (Donations) - optional

  • 1

    Box(es) of Facial Tissues

    (Donations) - optional

  • 1

    Hand Sanitizer, Bottle(s)

    (Donations) - optional

  • 1

    Canister(s) of Disinfecting Wipes

    (Donations) - optional

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