

Fourth Grade Supply List

Updated: 07/31/2024 | School Year: 2024-2025 | Grade(s): 4th Grade | All Fourth Grade Teachers
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*We kindly request that students do not bring spiral notebooks, large pencil boxes, or handheld pencil sharpeners.
  • 1

    Backpack without wheels

  • 1

    Pencil Bag/Pouch

    (no art boxes)

  • 1

    Pocket Folders, Red

  • 1

    Pocket Folders, Orange

  • 1

    Pocket Folders, Yellow

  • 1

    Pocket Folders, Green

  • 1

    Pocket Folders, Blue

  • 1

    Pocket Folders, Purple

  • 6

    Composition Notebook

  • 1



  • 2

    Box(es) of #2 Pencils

    (no mechanical pencils)

  • 1

    Dry Erase Markers

    pack, (may be gathered and stored as classroom community supplies and do not need to be individually labeled)

  • 1

    Crayons, 24 Count

  • 1

    Package(s) of Loose Leaf/Filler Paper, Wide Ruled

    Notebook paper, (may be gathered and stored as classroom community supplies and do not need to be individually labeled)

  • 2

    Glue Sticks

    (2 or more), (may be gathered and stored as classroom community supplies and do not need to be individually labeled)

  • 1


    set, (or earbuds)

  • 1

    Composition Notebook

    (for Science)

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