

Seventh Grade Supply List

Updated: 07/15/2024 | School Year: 2024-2025 | Grade(s): 7th Grade | All Seventh Grade Teachers
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Subjects will be color coded. Please make sure you purchase the correct colors for each subject.
  • 1

    Book Bag

    with laptop compartment

  • 1


    or earbuds, sired, each subject, No Wireless Headphones will be allowed at WIMS, this includes airpods and other wireless in ear headphones

  • 1

    Colored Pencils, Box(es)

    (Each Subject)

  • 1

    Glue Sticks

    (Each Subject)

  • 1

    Box(es) of #2 Pencils

    (Each Subject)

  • 1


    (Each Subject)

  • 1

    Package(s) of Loose Leaf/Filler Paper, Wide Ruled

    (Each Subject)

  • 1

    Dry Erase Markers

    (Each Subject)

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    (for ELA)

  • 1

    Spiral Notebook Wide Ruled, 3 Subjects, Red

    (for ELA)

  • 1

    Pocket Folders, Red

    (for ELA), to keep handouts

  • 1

    Spiral Notebook Wide Ruled, 5 Subjects

    (for Math), blue, with folder pockets (or a separate Blue folder for handouts)

  • 1

    3-Ring Binder with Plastic Cover

    (for Math), blue, advanced

  • 1

    Spiral Notebook Wide Ruled, Green

    (for Science), 5-Subject or 3-subject, this will stay in the classroom

  • 2

    Pocket Folders, Green

    (for Science), with First and Last name on the front (can be any color or design-this will stay in the classroom)

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    (for Social Studies, Same one can be used for all subjects

  • 1

    3-Ring Binder with Plastic Cover

    (for Social Studies, 1 or 2 inch, purple

  • 1

    Spiral Notebook Wide Ruled, 1 Subject, Purple

    (for Social Studies

  • 1

    Pocket Folders, Purple

    (for Social Studies), 2-pocket

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