

Physical Education/Health Supply List

Updated: 07/09/2024 | School Year: 2024-2025 | Grade(s): 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade | All Physical Education/Health Teachers
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All of these items will be used throughout the day in various classes, therefore, these are not listed individually below.
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    Shoes (Toddler, Child, Teen)

    athletic, tie up

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    T-Shirt (Toddler, Child, Teen)

    Dress code appropriate athletic clothe

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    Shorts (Toddler, Child, Teen)

    Dress code appropriate athletic clothe

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    Dress code appropriate athletic clothe

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    Deodorant (Kid, Teen)

    highly recommended, body sprays and aerosol deodorants are not permitted. These will be confiscated if used

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    Spiral Notebook Wide Ruled

    (for Health Rotation)

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    3-Ring Binder with Plastic Cover

    (for Health Rotation), can be shared with another class

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    Package(s) of Loose Leaf/Filler Paper, Wide Ruled

    (for Health Rotation), can be shared with another class

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