

SLL Supply List

Updated: 07/18/2024 | School Year: 2024-2025 | Grade(s): PreK, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade | All SSL Teachers
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  • 1

    Package(s) of Construction Paper, White, 12"x18"

    Prang, bright white, 50-count

  • 1

    Package(s) of Construction Paper, Assorted Colors , 12" x 18"

    Prang, 50-count

  • 1

    Package(s) of Construction Paper, Assorted Colors, 9" x 12"

    Prang, 50-count

  • 1

    Package(s) of Manila Paper 9" x 12", 50 ct.

  • 1

    Elmer's® Glue Bottle, 4 oz

    washable, school glue

  • 2

    Elmer's® Glue Stick, Large (22g /.77 oz), White


  • 1

    Crayola® Watercolor Paints, 8 Colors, Washable, with Brush

  • 2

    Box(es) of Kleenex® Brand Facial Tissues

    72-count flat

  • 1

    Play-Doh 4 Pack

    color, 4 oz. cans

  • 1

    EXPO® Dry Erase Markers, Low Odor, Thick/Chisel Tip, Black, 4 Pack

  • 1

    1" 3-Ring Binder, White

    view, durable vinyl, D-ring

  • 1

    Crayola® Pip-Squeaks Markers, Box(es)

    thick, 16-count, washable

  • 2

    Package(s) of Baby Wipes Unscented

    soft pack, 80-count

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